Plenary Session 1 (Day 1)

Targeted protein degradation as a therapeutic modality in cancer

Chaired by Dr Olivia Rossanese, Head of the Division of Cancer Therapeutics and Director of the Centre for Cancer Drug Discovery

Improving PROTAC selectivity by a Degron Blocking strategy

Dr John Caldwell, Senior Staff Scientist in the Targeted Protein Degradation Group led by Professor Zoran Rankovic in the Division of Cancer Therapeutics

Targeting BCL6: a monovalent degrader approach

Dr Alice Harnden, Senior Scientific Officer in the Medicinal Chemistry 4 (including Analytical Chemistry) Group led by Professor Swen Hoelder in the Division of Cancer Therapeutics

From idea to project: Inducing immunogenic cell death by degradation of RIPK1

Dr Benjamin Bellenie, Senior Staff Scientist in the Medicinal Chemistry 4 (including Analytical Chemistry) Group led by Professor Swen Hoelder in the Division of Cancer Therapeutics