Plenary Session 2 (Day 1)

Breast Cancer Evolution, from early to late disease: multi-omics meets cell biology

Chaired by Professor Andrew Tutt, Head of the Division of Breast Cancer Research, Director of the Breast Cancer Now Toby Robins Research Centre at the ICR and Guy's Hospital King's College London.

Integrated multi-omic analysis of adaptive immunosurveillance in early and metastatic breast cancer

Dr Stephen-John Sammut, Group Leader of the Cancer Dynamics Group, Division of Breast Cancer Research

Biomechanical hallmarks and vulnerabilities of metastatic cancer cells

Professor Vicky Sanz Moreno, Group Leader of the Cytoskeleton and Cancer Metastasis Group in the Division of Breast Cancer Research

Long-term Multimodal Recording Reveals Epigenetic Adaptation Routes in Dormant Breast Cancer Cells

Dr Dalia Rosano, Research Associate in the Breast Epigenetic Plasticity and Evolution Group led by Dr Luca Magnani in the Division of Breast Cancer Research