Student Posters

Poster titles

Please visit Nexus for details of poster abstracts

Establishing the role of PD-L1 expressing granulocytes in cancer immunotherapy

Max Julve

Generation of a novel mouse model for Inv(3) AML 

Christa van der Maarel

GRKs dampen the migratory potential of highly metastatic amoeboid cancer cells

Josh Martin

Validation of Breast Cancer Candidate Regulatory Sequences Using a Lentivirus Based Massively Parallel Reporter Assay

Kate Mackie

Journey towards non-peptidomimetic inhibitors of ERAP1 and ERAP2

Alex McClarron

Code to Cure: Enhancing Drug Design using Computational Methods

Daniella Hares

Evaluating the delineation uncertainty of a novel cervix cancer auto-contouring system compared to manual delineation uncertainty

Katherine Mackay

Multi-omic integration to understand the role of immunometabolism and unraveling of unique hepatic immune cell-cell interactions in a diet-induced non-alcoholic steatosis hepatitis mouse model

Misha Siddiqui

HER-3 as an Actionable Target in Advanced Prostate Cancer

Khobe Chandran

Framework for Evaluatiing Dosimetric and imaging predictors of swallowing activity after head and neck radiotherapy

Anju Kaimal

Combinatorial RNA barcodes for spatial clonal tracing with multi-platform phenotyping

Elizabeth Flittner

Spatial CRISPR screening with functionalization of putative drivers of Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer

Lorna Hind

Investigating the mechanisms of DNA-damage dependent innate immune signalling by cGAS.

Lauren Davies

Unravelling the molecular basis of fidelity in mRNA splicing

Asha Adde

The effects of hyperthermic intraperitoneal and systemic chemotherapy on the peritoneal microenvironment of high-grade serous ovarian cancer

Faisal Karim

Investigating the stemness properties of Piezo2 in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

Li Tran

Molecular and Immune Characterisation of Angiosarcomas

Sara Arfan

A structure-guided approach to developing novel splicing modulators

Imogen Andrews

A UK multicentre review of acute and late toxicity following radical (chemo)radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal cancer

Romelie Rieu

Using metabolomics to overcome resistance to endocrine therapy in breast cancer 

Manas Kohli 

A CRISPR based approach to identifying target genes and causal variants at breast cancer risk loci 

Selin Sevgi 

Identification of efflux transporter inhibitors in a routine Caco-2 permeability assay and uptake transporter inhibitors in HEK293 cells overexpressing OATP1B1/1B3/2B1 by using targeted metabolomics

Afia Naseem

Optimisation of ensodialin targetting CAR-T cells  

Meg Dinesh Kumar 

Targeting Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins (IAPs) to Potentiate Immunotherapy 

Crescens Tiu 

Metanalysis of germline whole exome sequencing in 1435 cases of testicular germ cell tumours to identify disruptive mutations acting via dominant, recessive or X-linked inheritance

Zeid Kuzbari 

Targeted MRI for investigation of pain in biochemically stable patients with myeloma 

Alina Dragan 

Second primary cancers following colorectal cancer: an observational cohort study using the English National Cancer Registry and English National Lynch Syndrome Registry 

Dr Lucy Loong 

Exploring the SAR of cyclin K degraders 

Katie Thomas 

Measuring repeatability of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) biomarkers improves evaluation of biological response to radiotherapy in lung cancer  

Nivetha Sridharan 

Reconstitution of replication stalling by triplex-forming repeats 

Frank Sabin 

Macrophages and amoeboid cancer cells: a dangerous liaison 

Samantha George 

I wanna be where the promoters are: Centromere Proteins as Transcriptional Regulators

Lillian Wu 

Evaluating non-inferiority of digital information compared with genetic counselling consultation for >1000 women diagnosed with breast cancer undergoing germline BRCA-testing in mainstream oncology settings.  

Bethany Torr 

Detecting germline Y chromosome copy number variations (CNVs) in individuals with testicular germ cell tumours using whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data from UK Biobank.  

Subin Choi