Postdoc and Scientific Officer Posters

Poster titles

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Uncovering immunoediting strategies underlying long-term survival of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer patients

Dr Beatriz Monterde Martinez

Dynamic Plasticity Systems Direct Early Adaptation to Treatment in Neuroblastoma

Dr Cecilia Roux & Dr Abigail Shea 

Delivery of intracellular antibodies to leukaemia using lipid nanoparticle vehicles with mRNA cargos

Dr Daniel Sanchez-Guzman

From Antibody-antigen Interaction Dependent Apoptosis to small molecule surrogates for proximity-induced programmed cell death

Dr Davide Cardella 

Developing T cell-based immunotherapies against HORMAD1 for TNBC

Dr Ernesto Lopez

Therapeutic targeting of the hypoxia signaling pathway in AML 

Dr Hannah Lawson

The BARCODE1 study: Using Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) to target prostate cancer screening to those at higher risk based on genotype

Dr Jana McHugh 

Discovery of Novel Target Engagement Biomarkers of HSET Inhibition

Dr Katrin Gutsche

Investigating the interaction of RP1 with the immune system using in vitro CTL priming assays in HNSCC and melanoma

Dr Nitya Mohan 

Macrophages and amoeboid cancer cells: a dangerous liaison

Dr Samantha George 

Towards a Deep Learning-Based online treatment Adaptation for radiotherapy delivered with an MR Linac

Dr Tarun Gangil

Metabolic control of an (epigenetic) mechanical memory in metastatic cells

Dr Vittoria Graziani 

Investigating the effects of ERAP1 inhibition on antigen presentation and tumour immune response

Caitlyn Smith

Induced chromosomal instability alters evolution but not phenotype in colorectal cancer

Dr Erica Oliveira 

Tumour specific HORMAD1 expression perturbs mitotic arrest and drives sensitivity to mitotic kinase inhibitors

Dr Gabriel Kollarovic

Investigating the impact of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) on the bladder tumour microenvironment (TME) during radiotherapy

Katie O'Fee

An intracellular antibody surrogate compound inhibits angiogenic remodelling by interfering with the LMO2 transcription factor complex 

Dr Nikki Sereesongsaeng

Radiotherapy induces aerobic glycolysis in Tumour-associated Macrophages in a murine mesothelioma model

Ricardo Sainz

Hyper-activation of Oncogenic Signalling as a Counter-intuitive Strategy to Treat Colorectal Cancer

Suhana Yasmin